Hi Bloggers :
Today I'm gonna write about
something Im proud. Like some of you know, I was born on the north of Chile, in
Iquique. For me is a proud be born in this city, Santiago is not Chile and we
can found beautifull cities at the extreme of our country that most of the people
does not knows thats exists.
I´m proud of Iquique because the
city and the people has a lot of good characteristics, in this sense if you are
a turist and need help to found a street, a restaurant or a beach the people
helps you in a good form, not like in
Santiago that the people ignore you when you ask for help. Another thing that makes me be proud of
Iquique is that the city has a football team and when they have a match all the
people of the city support the team and it doesn´t matter if the team is losing people stays in the stadium.

I´m poud of this Little city that has it own anthem and flag, were you can go
out of your house at night and be safe, were the people know you and if they
see you in porblems they helps you. In
this city the things are very differents you are not in competition with the
rest of the people like in Santiago.
I realize that when you are in
another city that is not the one where you was born, you appriciate more your