jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Hide and seek


Hi Bloggers

Today I´m gonna write about hide and seek. This is an outdoor game that I loved to played with my school friends.I started playing this game when I was about 6 years old. I remember that I played it all  days in the school. There we have a lot of space to run and hide.

I really loved this game when I was child because it was very entertaining. Also I played hide and seek with my friends of the  neighborhood. I really enjoyed it because I have a lots of friends in the neighborhood (12) so always were someone to play with.

 We enjoyed to played indoor games like chess and who is who (you make questions to know the personaje). But I think that the bests games are the ones outdoor. You can play with more friends and at the same time you can do sports like football and basketball and have a great moment. The last time I played I don´t really remember, but I think I was about 11 years old.

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