jueves, 3 de abril de 2014



Hi Bloggers !

Today I´m gonna write about my favourite beach Cavancha. It´s a very beautiful  beach in Iquique in the north of Chile. In this city we can found many beaches, but the best of alls it´s Cavancha. I lived all my school life in Iquique and that its why I think I loved this beach.

Since 2011 I spend all my summer vacations in Iquique with my school friends. We went to Cavancha all the day, because we really love this beach and we like to do aquatic sports like stand up paddle and surf. Also we like to take photographs of us when there are sunny days.

I like Cavancha because it´s a nice and a very quiet beach. I really recommend you to stay a summer in Iquique.The weather here is all the year the same (it´s grate). If you want I can make a tour for you and show the amazing things that are in this city.

1 comentario:

  1. Hey Maca, i will go to her house and we will go to Cavancha
