jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Blog Experience

Hi Bloggers :

Today I´m gonna write about my English Blog experience on this semester. I really think that our english class was a good opportunity to learn about how it works (blog) and also we learn more about english.  I had never use a blog before and now days I know that it can be useful to makes publication about the things you like and also it is like a profile of Facebook were you can publish potos and videos.

I don´t really enjoy soo much to write on the blog, because sometimes I don´t really like the topics that our teacher gives us to write. I think that writing on the blog helps me to practice my english and also to know and see that inside a same University you can found people that have different positions in the way of see the life. I think that the things I mention before  are the things because I like to write on the blog.

I really enojy writing about of sports, it´s my passion. I don´t really soo much to write about music because I know just a little beat about this topic. I think that this semester I have the opportunity to practice a lot my writing and know about more words.  

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