viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Family Meal

Hi BLoggers :

Today I´m going to write about a family meal. It was on Cancún, México. I was on a summer vacation trip with my father, mother and brother Alex, Ana María and Agustín. It was on December 24th, I now that this is a freak time to went on vacations but my father beacuase of his work can´t have another time to vacations.

This meal was a Christmas meal and also a meal to say good bye to our summer vacations because it was our last night in Cancún. That night we went to the restaurant that was on th hotel, because it was a special night to my family. I remember we order different things to eat like vegetables, spaghettis, meat and seafood. We order different things because we don t have the same pleasure. Also I remember that in the resataurant it were more people of different country and each family celebrates Christmas in a different hour because each country has each one time zone.

I hope we have the opportunity to went back to Cancún and have another family meal in that beautifull place. I really enjoy that summer vacactions and also the meal we have (the food was very good) all the things were beauty.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014


Hi bloggers  :

Today I´m gonna write about Iquique. I choose this city because I was born there and all my family is from the north of Chile. I really love Iquique and I´m pround to be Iquiqueña.

Iquique is known as "land of champions", I don´t really know why. It´s a port city and it lies on the Pacific coast, west of the Pampa del Tamarugal wich is part of the Atacama Desert.
Iquique has one of the largest duty-free commercial port centers of South America, the Zona Franca of Iquique  which has been traditionally called Zofri. There are around 2.4 square kilometres  of warehouses, banking branches, and restaurants.
The best things of the city are the climate because there never rainfall and the beaches that you can find.The best beach in Iquique is Cavancha, it´s ubicated in the north of the city and it´s has the most quiet water, you can be in the ocean all day.

 In Cavancha you can practice  aquatic sports like stand up paddle and surf. During all the year you can find schools of surf and  of body board, this schools  in summer are full because all the kids wants to be surfers.


  I really recommend you to stay a summer in Iquique.The weather there is all the year the same (it´s grate). If you want I can make a tour for you and show the amazing things that are in this city.