viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Paint Party

Hi Bloggers  :

Today I´m gonna write about  Life in Color that is  the largest paint party. This show fuses music, art, dance, and paint into one combination. This year was the first time that this party came to Chile so my boyfriend give my the ticket as a present for my birthday, it was a very good present for me.
The party was on March 15th and  took place at Espacio Riesco. The line up was : Chuckie, Quintino y David Solano (I love Solano). I went with 3 school friends, Verena, Domenica and Antonia. We went with withe clothe because we doesn´t know if the paint gonna get out of ours clothes with water.  The party was soo fun,  the music with the paint was the bes part, the food was very ñami and I think that the best of all was that I were there with my friends. The only thing that I don´t really like was the organization of the party because there were soo many people  fighting  to get paint but it was only a detail.

In the party I meet with more school friends I have no idea that they woul be there. When we saw them we run to say hi and we took a lot of photos together also we dance a while with them.
I went to Life in Color because I think that I would be a very good nigth with my friends like the time we went to Sensation and also because I think that  the combination of electro and paint would be

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014


Hi Bloggers :

Today's post will be about a special skill or talent. Well I think that I have the talent to play any sport. I remember that my parents always motivate me to do sports. I think that when I was small they did this because they don´t want to have a son fat , but when I grew up and still now I can´t stop doing sport.
I think sports are good for our health, lose weight, get distracted, make friends, have a healthy life and having a good time in this ugly city.
Since I was small I have practiced different sports, I remember it all started when my grandmother gave me a ball when I was 7 that was my favorite toy. My parents could not understand why I like to play with the ball.
During my childhood I remember that I take lessons of artistic gymnastics classes where I was the smallest in the team also I take tennis lessons and at  school I remember that in the breaks I like to play football with my classmates.  But one day when I was in the  school one of my teachers saw me playing basketball and told my mother that I had skills in that sport. She recomend to my  mom: “your son have to join the school team”. So since that day basketball is my priority between the rest of the sports.

As you can realized I practice different sports and that's why I'm always the "wild card" in teams where someone missing.

Finally I think that you don´t acquire this talent, you born with this. 

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014


Hi bloggers :

Today I´m gonna write about a group activity I like to do. I really like the sports that are in group like basketball, football and volleyball. I think that most of you already know that I practice basketball, but during my life I also have practice football, volleyball and handball. 

When I was 8 or 9 I remember that in my school the students of senior organized a football championship and my from teacher chose my like the captain of the team. I remember that with my friends we choose the color red for our team and a puppy for our t-shirt . We were very enthusiastic with the championship, we think that we would have the first place. For the championship we prepared and we train twice a week, our "coach" was the father of one of my best friends. 

I don´t remember the results of the matches, but after the championship I start playing for the team of my school. It was very entertaining for me because I start playing with all my friends and we spend very good moments and also when you were playing you forget all the things that you have to do and you can have a time to relax. 

I remember that the practices were twice a week and I played this sport until I left the school. Since   I´m in the university I had the opportunity to play some matches and the last match that I played was on Wednesday.